Wealth Frequency: The Way To Getting Rich

Releasing worrying the HOW and start trusting in your WHY.

Kaycee Ports
5 min readAug 12, 2023
Photo by Gabriel Castles on Unsplash

You won’t get rich unless you tap into the wealth frequency.

Let me tell you how I came upon this realization.

I’ve been laser-focused on getting rich since I graduated from university. Not conglomerate-rich. Just comfortable rich, low-key rich.

So, it was much to my disappointment that I earned only $283 per month (gross) on my first salary. It’s okay, I told myself. It’s only my first job.

But the frustrations did not stop. So, upon my friend’s recommendation, I picked up Robert Kiyosaki’s ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’.

That became a pivotal moment in my life — learning how the rich build their wealth.

And so I observed and studied how wealthy people earn money. More particularly, I wanted to know what their habits and mindset were so I could embody them into my lifestyle.

But what exactly is the wealth frequency, and how can we harness its power for our benefit?

In this article, we’ll delve into what wealth frequency truly means, dispel misconceptions, and provide actionable steps to tap into it.

Understanding Wealth Frequency

Wealthy people also lose money. What makes them different, though, is their attitude toward the situation.

Despite feeling abandoned by money, there’s no victim mindset in the wealth frequency. It requires releasing the worry of HOW and just trusting in your WHY.

It requires a mindset shift:

  • From controlling to receiving
  • From frantic to calm and surrender
  • From feeling like you’re a victim to holding yourself accountable
  • From scarcity to an abundance mindset

Wealth frequency, to me, is moving as if money supports me all the way. Whether I have it now or not.

In other words, they are aggressive toward reaching their goals — one way or another.

What The Wealth Frequency Isn’t

Wealth frequency isn’t about entitlement.

Before, I thought manifestation was about asking for things I desire because I deserve it.

But what it really means is replacing entitlement with expectation. For example, instead of saying, “I’ve done the work. It should happen right now”, you say, “I can’t wait to see how it happens”.

Drop your ego and increase your faith instead.

Wealth frequency doesn’t bring instant results.

No one actually knows when your efforts will be rewarded. It could happen in the next year or the next decade.

That’s why you have to be willing to experiment with things and have the patience for it.

There’s also this thing called the ‘Law of Gestation’. There’s a natural process of development for growth. Like how a mother carries her child for nine months before birth.

In the same way, there’s a beautiful time and place for the fulfillment of your goals.

Being flexible in the face of delays is important, so don't be too attached to your timeline.

Wealth frequency is not just about positive thinking.

Too often, we say, “I manifest a new job with better pay and work environment”. But we aren’t updating our resumes or sending out applications.

Wealth frequency isn’t wishful thinking or relying on luck. You also got to put in the work. Especially during the hours when no one is watching.

Wealth frequency does not need a capital.

Wealth frequency is not a state; it’s a mindset.

So it doesn’t matter whether you have $10 or $10 million in your bank account. You can still tap on the wealth frequency, all the same.

How else did big tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, Alibaba, and Apple first start? They started out in their basements — some were even school dropouts!

Money doesn’t care about age, race, ethnicity, social status, or economic status.

What Tapping Into The Wealth Frequency Looks Like

Okay, now we know what wealth frequency is and isn’t.

But how do we hold the frequency?

  1. Let your desires lead you.

Remember how you used to dream when you were a kid? When someone asked you, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”. Astronaut, rockstar, engineer — you felt like you could be anything!

But over time, you grew up. Your child-like wonder is replaced by what most label as “practical”.

Close your eyes and listen to what your heart truly desires. Don’t worry about how you could achieve those. Ask why you want those dreams to happen.

Then, let it flow.

2. Create systems that accumulate wealth.

Money is just a tool, and the wealthy know how to leverage it.

Worrying about your month-on-month income is short-term thinking. So is spending more than you earn.

People are hooked on passive income. But the truth is, you need to put hours and effort into building the systems first.

There needs to be planning and strategy to let money work for you. That means investing in assets (stocks, bonds, real estate), in better management systems for your business, and in your personal development.

3. Take risks.

I know it’s not easy for everyone, especially for breadwinners. It’s easier said than done.

Still, I think you know by now from success stories that fortune favors the bold. Unless you have inheritance money, you must break free from complacency and reach your full potential.

If you’re single and independent, then you’re out of excuses.

4. Be consistent.

This is hard for people like me who like to go intense. But you know what they say, consistency beats intensity.

Consistency doesn’t mean perfect attendance, though.

You’re not a machine. One missed activity does not mean you’re inconsistent. You just have to get back on track. At most, I like to keep up to 80% of my attendance.

You just have to continue doing the work even if results seem to be delayed. Money will catch up, dear. Show it the way.

Tapping into the wealth frequency is a transformative journey that goes beyond financial gain — it’s about living a life of abundance, purpose, and fulfillment.

Let’s embrace that growth mindset, keep pushing consistently, and let our dreams become our reality.

It’s up to you if you believe me or not. But if you do, join me as I say:




Kaycee Ports
Kaycee Ports

Written by Kaycee Ports

Freelance content writer for personal finance bloggers and marketing agencies. For collaborations, message me at kayceeports2020@gmail.com.

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