Embracing Your Effort: A Tribute to Those Trying Their Best
So what if you’re trying hard?
Has someone ever labeled you as “trying hard”?
Has that phrase triggered a rush of self-consciousness, making you second-guess your actions and efforts? Did you feel the urge to defend or downplay your hard work?
I did, for many years, as a student and in the workplace. Even now. We live in a world where vulnerability is often seen as a weakness.
But this changed for me when I listened to Brene Brown and Angela Duckworth.
Daring Greatly
How convenient is it to just stroll in the mall randomly, and then someone discovers your talent?
Uh, no, you’re not the main character.
Most of the time, getting discovered happens when you practice in public. Nope, drafts don’t count.
Let’s be real — it’s not always a comfortable feat. The gnawing fear of being labeled “cringe” or facing ridicule is enough to keep most in the shadows.
But not us. We step into the arena, and we dare greatly.Brene Brown’s words echo here:
When we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time.
Dr. Brené Brown is a shame researcher, has gathered a lot of data from people of different walks of life, and is also in the arena getting her ass kicked. So believe her.
Who defines what’s cringe-worthy anyway? The very notion of cringe comes from a place of insecurity and conformity. As long as you stay true to yourself and let your desires lead you, that’s not cringe — that’s honoring yourself.
Then, there’s Angela Duckworth who taught me not just to dare greatly, but to persist relentlessly.
You may see coaches, influencers, and experts online and think they’re the only ones worthy of sharing their work with everyone.
Chances are, you’re only seeing the now. You didn’t witness then when no one viewed their work and they felt stupid. People often discount the failures, struggles, and waiting. Don’t we all love to fast-forward and see the happy ending?
Duckworth’s words echo the sentiment that it’s not always about instant success; it’s about long-term dedication and the resilience to rise after each fall.
Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day-in and day-out. Not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years.
Angela Duckworth is a psychologist and researched grit for years. So believe her.
So, to you — the one trying hard in every sphere of life — I salute your courage. Whether it’s your career, relationships, finances, health, or personal growth, you’re giving it your all.
So, go ahead and try hard.
The next time someone calls you out and says you’re trying too hard, tell them — so what?
You’re not just trying — you’re thriving, even in the face of uncertainty.
I want you to stop feeling insecure, self-conscious, and defensive. I want you to feel BRAVE because you dare to put yourself out there. You’re one of the relentless warriors who risk the eye-rolls and the doubters.
Carry on, fellow warrior ❤