A Journey of Rediscovery: A Reflection on My 2-Day Getaway
Unraveling hidden facets and reigniting old passions
I have loved traveling for leisure since I was a kid. It all started when my parents took us to Boracay for a family vacation when I was in the 6th grade.
The thrill and longing for travel have never left me ever since. Wanderlust clings to me like a leech, and I’m a willing victim. A bit dramatic, but point delivered.
I travel for several reasons. This recount of a recent journey is about unraveling hidden facets of myself and reigniting old passions.
If you’ve ever wondered how to infuse your interests into your adventures or simply need a reminder of the joy that comes from reconnecting with your hobbies, this journey of rediscovery is sure to resonate with you.
Join me as I recount my 2-day outing with these six key revelations.
Unleashing Creativity On-The-Go
I discovered that creativity doesn’t stop when I’m traveling.
In case you haven’t been following my posts, I started my 100-day writing challenge a week ago to turn my procrastination into productivity.
I was a bit worried about whether I could sustain it. For me, traveling is all about absorbing and processing. My idea of balancing work and adventure is not multitasking.
Then again, why view it as work if my primary goal for this challenge was to tap into my creativity? The key, fellow dreamer, is always to check your intentions.
As soon as I shifted perspective, let’s say I ventured off-script and let my thoughts flow spontaneously.
Another thing I discovered was that there are people who are actually looking forward to my posts! I received this message early this morning:
I’ve been following your posts. Way to go! If you feel like not showing up, remember I’m waiting for your post.
So, I continue writing. Now, with even more resolve, I know I’m capable of creative pursuits even when I’m on the move.
First Official Camping Experience
I discovered how to camp on top of a hill.
I’ve camped out before, but it wasn’t in ideal conditions. So I never considered them legit until this one.
The verdict? I like it, but I’m not particularly obsessed with it.
One night, I couldn’t sleep because the air felt stale inside the tent. I can’t open the tent either, or insects will enter. My options were to sleep outside on the cold rainy night or fan myself manually. Note to self: bring a solar fan next time.
But camping is more than just sleeping outdoors — it’s a chance to connect with nature and oneself. It looks like:
- Sitting on a camping chair and enjoying the cold breeze.
- Hearing raindrops hitting my camping tent and praying quietly that it does not pour even harder.
- Watching the stars shine even brighter after it rains.
- Waking up early to meet the sun rising above the horizon.
Camping, to me, was about disconnecting from modern comforts and embracing the simplicity of nature — a meaningful break from the daily grind.
The Call of Hiking and Longing for the Trails
I re-discovered how I miss hiking when I felt the burn on my thighs, the shaking of my knees and legs.
Hiking is exhausting, but it always feels good to me.
I remembered how hiking felt good when I was breathing hard as I trekked on steep mountains, occasionally slipping due to loose rocks or soil, my knees shaking after maneuvering my way down carefully.
The last time I did this was just during the previous quarter. Still, it felt like welcoming a dear old friend you hadn’t seen in a while. Maybe I’ve just been too immersed in dealing with problems lately that hiking felt like a sweet relief.
I remembered the stamina I had for hiking. Although, I can’t say the same about jogging. If I could choose how to burn the muscles in my lower body, I’d rather hike.
Refreshing Waters and Fresh Perspectives
I re-discovered how the energy from cold freshwater feels like.
Is there something more refreshing than bathing in cold freshwater after a hike? When you feel the burn in your muscles, the hard labor of your lungs, and your sweat pouring profusely, bathing in the calming rush of waterfalls wouldn’t need any second thought.
You’ll still hike your way back, but it feels different now. Your sweat is cooler, and your skin feels smoother. The energy stays with you even when you return to base camp.
Taking a bath with tap water after I got home honestly feels like a downgrade.
Accuracy and Precision with Archery
I discovered you can practice accuracy and precision
I tried out indoor archery once, and I discovered I’m good at it.
That was surprising because I’m usually off in games that require accuracy and precision. I’m bad at bowling, darts, and billiards. But archery (also gun shooting) feels light to me.
I’m not an expert in archery, but I did take some points from instructors. You’ll hit your target if you focus on sight alignment and steady form.
Sometimes you can hit the bull’s eye even if you don’t sight for the bull’s eye. Not because of luck, but perspective. Because sight is a matter of perspective, it can be flexible.
Your back and arms must be straight as you stretch the string backward. Even after you release the tension, the form must remain steady and unmoving. Otherwise, the arrow can change direction.
If you practice both, you can achieve accuracy and precision. Hey, maybe that applies to life, too!
Rekindling Passion for Renewable Energy
I discovered that moving on doesn’t mean that all love is lost.
I’m talking about the love for sustainable energy systems.
When I was a chemical engineering student, I remember I did a report about wind energy. I became fascinated with the animations that explained how wind energy systems work.
This fascination and love for engineering came back when I visited a 54-MW wind farm in Pillila, Rizal (Philippines). This trip got me thinking about how far I’ve come.
It was a sweet surprise how I didn’t feel regret, remorse, or resentment. Just fascination over sweet nostalgia.
I may have moved on from engineering to writing, but it still surprises me when opportunities come where I get to combine both passions. I remember collaborating with Roman Reitman and what a joy it was, channeling my passion for sustainability and investing together.
If you’ve ever switched careers, I want to remind you that shifting career paths isn’t forsaking former passions. It’s a continuation of one’s journey, sometimes expressed in different forms.
Final Thoughts
Our journeys of rediscovery are not just personal, but universal.
This post isn’t just about me; it’s about you too. It’s a gentle nudge to consider the pursuits you’ve set aside, the experiences you’ve yet to encounter, and the passions that still stir within you.
Let your rediscoveries add vibrant pages to your life story.
Take that weekend getaway, try your hand on something you’ve missed, and be open to the revelations that await you. ❤